21st Century Building Blocks Technology

Advantages of AAC Blocks

Advantages of AAC Blocks

Brickwell block-making machines are used to manufacture Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Blocks. These are produced with a minimum amount of waste using natural, non-toxic raw materials. Its advantages include;

  • Reduce build time, labour, and materials, saving money
  • Lightweight – Light mass: 300-800 kg/ m3
  • Good thermal insulation property: 0.1-0.20W/(m.k)
  • Heat-resistant & Fire-proof
  • Good sound insulation
  • Earthquake resistant
  • Automated Manufacturing
  • Mechanized construction ability
  • Accurate cutting, which minimizes the generation of solid waste during use
  • Lightweight and also saves cost & energy in transportation
  • Resource efficient manufacturing with low environmental impact in all phases of its life-cycle